Community networks: a contribute for regional development in Portugal


Broadband Internet access offers several potential benefits as a regional and local development tool, however it is nowadays commonly accepted that privatisation and pro-competitive policies are not enough to ensure a reasonable geographical equality as regards broadband access. Therefore public policies are more and more required in order to achieve a greater infrastructural equity and a widespread use of advanced telecommunications services in less-populated markets (rural areas). In several countries Governments are investing public funds in community-based broadband solutions, as an alternative method for the provision of local broadband services. This study will evaluate how the Portuguese government is trying to complement the action of Internet Service Providers (private operators) with public policies for under-served areas (“notspots”), in order to guarantee an equitable access to high quality Internet services, which is a basic prerequisite to achieve the success on several innovative regional and local development projects.
  • Referencias
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Nunes, F. P. J. (2010). Community networks: a contribute for regional development in Portugal. Education in The Knowledge Society, 10(2), 270–298.


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