Digitizing tradition: aspects of the applied dimension of urban and regional etnography in irish contexts


The article outlines the latest developments in the applied research activities of the department of Folklore & Ethnology at University College Cork with particular reference to the usages and implications of using digital and computer technologies in archival and fieldwork environments. Highlighting the case of the establishment of a Multimedia centre for Urban and Regional Ethnology as a virtual archive, it explores the pedagogical dimension specifically relevant to adult and non-traditional educational contexts. It refers to governmental funding policy especially as it applies to the interdisciplinary development of self-learning aids of third level education material through the medium of Irish as a minority language. Furthermore, it places these issues within the broader theoretical perspectives on popular culture and communication media to further explore the boundaries as well the potentials relevant to existing and emergent information society and the communities therein.
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Desplanques, M. A. (2010). Digitizing tradition: aspects of the applied dimension of urban and regional etnography in irish contexts. Education in The Knowledge Society, 10(2), 252–269. https://doi.org/10.14201/eks.7516


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