Information and Communication Technologies for development: examples from India and Uganda


Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are here understood as principally related to the uses that people give to the technologies which are available at a certain moment and within certain institutional, economic, social and cultural contexts. This article focuses on ICTs and their applications in the field of social and economic development, and presents and discusses some engagements and debates in the process of ICT for Development (ICT4D). It is argued that a second digital revolution in needed, in which contents and creative ways of using technology have positive socioeconomic impacts for marginalised people. Many of the existing success stories illustrate that the main challenges are not actually in the technology itself, but in the organisation, coordination and establishment of a motivational and creative environment among various stakeholders and people.
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Sarmento, J. (2010). Information and Communication Technologies for development: examples from India and Uganda. Education in The Knowledge Society, 10(2), 235–251.


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