The interactive whiteboard as a teaching resource

  • Domingo J. Gallego
    Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia dgallego[at]
  • María Luz Cacheiro
    Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
  • José Dulac Ibergallartu
    Aula PizarraTIC


The Interactive Blackboard (PDI-Pizarra Digital Interactiva) is a great educational resource for teachers. This article presents the results of various studies that have examined the use of PDI through various teacher education programs at various educational levels and curricular areas. Unlike other resources on which the teacher is not a key actor, one of the advantages of the use of PDI is its proximity to the traditional model of teaching where the teacher presents the content to go to the main individual and group learning activities. In the knowledge society the teacher must adapt its methodology taking into account the variety of resources offered by the Internet and are available in the classroom through the PDI, and the creation of own resources to integrate multimedia objects available
  • Referencias
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  • Del mismo autor
  • Métricas
Gallego, D. J., Cacheiro, M. L., & Dulac Ibergallartu, J. (2010). The interactive whiteboard as a teaching resource. Education in The Knowledge Society, 10(2), 153–178.


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