Good practice TIC. Digital literacy in older


Computer equipment and their peripherals are designed for use by a single user, there is only one keyboard, only one mouse, and of course, a single screen. Therefore in the moment to provide a literacy class, the best option seems to be one computer per person. So each student seemed to learn more, have greater interaction with media, and therefore more learning time. But, Is it possible to have the number of computer needed for each student, always? Is it really essential the Single Computers in classroom for effective learning? Thanks to the experience in lot of adults´ literacy courses, using a methodology consistent with the goal of learning, we show a good formative experience, which although obvious, it allows us to realize factors such as the shortage of technological resources, adult psychology and the need to educate not only new technological capabilities but also to transmit values essential to ease management in the knowledge society.
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Huelves Martín, F. (2010). Good practice TIC. Digital literacy in older. Education in The Knowledge Society, 10(2), 56–77.


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