Virtual literacy and knowledge management


Computer literacy has become a necessity, particularly in the so-called advanced societies. The term refers to the level of ability that citizens have to achieve a specific objective, which is to use basic computer tools. This ability is defined as a certain lasting skill acquired through practice in these new technological forms. The Knowledge as well as the Information Society are characterized by the general use of these new information and communication technologies (ICT), or refer to any human environment or activity that facilitates the streamlining of available resources, whether for individuals or organizations. Computer literacy is considered a significant learning process through which the necessary technological knowledge is acquired to exploit what might be more precisely referred to as info-technologies, for purposes of improving the quality of processes and results for any service or product.
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López-barajas Zayas, E. (2010). Virtual literacy and knowledge management. Education in The Knowledge Society, 10(2), 28–55.


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