The Information and Communication Thecnologies (ICT) training in tourism diploma: is suitable?


This study analyses to what extent the knowledge acquired in ICT field fits the requirements asked for the tourism sector companies. First-year tourism students become familiar with the use of many ICT devices but they do not have sufficient background for using it properly in a professional context. In addition, the reality of the higher education in tourism studies reflects an apparent need for a greater number of credits for ICT knowledge and a greater number of places to study it. Hence, our aim is to evaluate the gap between the level- and the kind- of ICT knowledge acquired and the labour markets required one. For that purpose, we carried out a three-phase empirical study, based on the assessments of students and the enterprises where they do their “practicum” course. The results support the need to optimize computing and information management courses content in order to meet the specific needs of the companies. Finally, some recommendations arise for helping professors to optimize the class work.
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Medina Salgado, S., & González Sánchez, R. (2010). The Information and Communication Thecnologies (ICT) training in tourism diploma: is suitable?. Education in The Knowledge Society, 11(1), 371–388.

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