Higher Education and Student Retention

Challenges in the Contemporary University


The educational trajectories at the higher educational level are influenced by multiple factors that positively or negatively affect the continuity of university studies. Higher Education Institutions have adapted their teaching, research, and cultural dissemination practices to foster an educational experience that promotes student success and increases retention rates. In this study, the experiences of first-year undergraduate students at a university in Mexico were explored to determine the factors and practices associated with university retention. From a qualitative perspective with a case study approach, focus groups were carried out with 24 students, who were divided according to their academic and demographic characteristics. In addition, their reflections on their daily activities were collected through diaries. The main results indicate, on the one hand, that it is pertinent to carry out a differentiated analysis according to each learner's characteristics to establish different strategies that address particular factors. On the other hand, student retention is an integral experience nurtured by previous school and social practices and what the student develops as habits in their daily activities. Finally, promoting student retention is an institutional responsibility in which multiple social and educational actors participate before, during and after the university experience (personal history, continuity and prospective).
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