Motivating for Reading through Transmedia Storytelling: A Case Study with Students from a Middle School in the Médio Tejo Region


The evolution of information and communication technologies has changed the way we relate to each other and how we build our knowledge. This creates challenges for education systems, as school must provide all students with the educational experiences that will enable them to develop the skills reflected in the profile of the 21st-century student on com  pletion of compulsory schooling. It is up to teachers to find new ways of teaching, making the most of the resources and digital tools made available by mobile technologies. Technology can make a significant contribution to increasing students' motivation because it is closer to what they like and use in their daily lives. And this introduction of technology into the classroom can promote student-oriented teaching, which contributes to the development of skills such as autonomy, critical thinking and self-esteem. One of the areas that can contribute to this paradigm shift is the creation of experiences in immersive learning environments such as Transmedia Storytelling. Immersive learning environments can favour the creation and implementation of projects that promote reading skills in schools. This is the focus of this article. The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of transmedia storytelling on the level of motivation of students and on the improvement of pedagogical practices implemented by the teachers involved. This case study was carried out in the subject of Portuguese in three 7th-grade classes of a school from the Médio Tejo region. The results obtained suggest a high level of motivation of students and teachers. The latter recognise that pedagogical routes using Transmedia Storytelling contribute to the motivation, autonomy and improvement of students' learning.
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Author Biographies

Patrícia Alexandra Faria Ferreira

Instituto Politécnico de Tomar
Investigadora do Centro de Investigação Techn&Art, Instituto Politécnico de Tomar

Célio Gonçalo Marques

Instituto Politécnico de Tomar
- Professor Adjunto, PhDAssociate Professor, PhD   - Diretor da Unidade de I&D Tecnh&Art Director of the Techn&Art R&D Unit   - Diretor do Laboratório de Inovação Pedagógica e Educação a DistânciaDirector of the Laboratory of Pedagogical Innovation and Distance Learning   - Presidente do Conselho Técnico-Científico da ESGT President of the Technical and Scientific Council of ESGT