Key factors in Knowledge Sharing Behavior in Virtual Communities of Practice: A Systematic Review


Virtual Communities of Practice (VCOP) are environments widely recognized as knowledge management instruments, and their sociocultural contributions are being incipiently valued. However, VCOPs are complex participation contexts due to their sociotechnical and sociocultural nature. Participation mechanisms, particularly Knowledge Sharing Behavior (KSB), have been studied from heterogeneous theoretical foundations and practical research methods. Therefore, a wide dispersion of factors and dimensions has been identified. This paper aims to present an overview that summarizes and systematizes the key drivers of KSB in VCOPs. This paper presents a systematic review of KSB in VCOPs, based on 42 studies retrieved from WOS, SCOPUS and Science Direct. The review was conducted using the PRISMA model. The selection and qualitative synthesis of articles was enriched using Nvivo for coding and analysis of the full text documents. The results suggest that KSB in VCOPs have a multidimensional and multifactorial character that includes personal, interpersonal, contextual, and technological factors. The typology of factors presented could serve in academic settings to conduct new theoretical or empirical research, or in practitioner settings to implement VCOPs in institutions across diverse sectors. New assessment instruments of KSB in VCOPs could be based on this typology.
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Author Biographies

Roberto Hernández-Soto

Universidad Internacional de la Rioja
Roberto Hernández-Soto ORCID: 0000-0002-3505-3108  Universidad Internacional de la Rioja Facultad de Educación Departamento de Teoría e Historia de la Educación Av. de la Paz, 137 26006, Logroño (La Rioja) Email: Teléfono: +34 915 674 391/+34 619 52 17 50

Mónica Gutiérrez-Ortega

Universidad Internacional de la Rioja
Mónica Gutiérrez-Ortega ORCID: 0000-0002-1536-4240 Universidad Internacional de la Rioja Facultad de Educación Departamento de Teoría e Historia de la Educación Av. de la Paz, 137 26006, Logroño (La Rioja) Email: Teléfono: +34 915 674 391

Bartolomé Rubia-Avi

Universidad de Valladolid
Bartolomé Rubia-Avi ORCID: 0000-0002-4963-4552 Universidad de Valladolid Facultad de Educación y Trabajo Social Campus Miguel Delibes. Paseo de Belén, 1. 47011 Valladolid Email: Teléfono: +34 983 184570