Innovation teaching in the light of Bologna: workgroup and cross revisions to convert the student in protagonist of its learning process

  • Mª del Rosario González Martín
    Universidad Complutense de Madrid marrgonz[at]
  • Gonzalo Génova Fuster
    Universidad Carlos III de Madrid


Under the light of the Bologna Process, we have accomplished an adaptation of the learning method of a course belonging to the Computer Engineering degree, based on the acquisition of generic and transversal competences, on the student’s protagonism, and on team work. Similarly, we have adapted the evaluation process to the new learning model. After three years of implantation and improvement, the result has been satisfactory regarding goals and competencies, both for students and for lecturers
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González Martín, M. del R., & Génova Fuster, G. (2019). Innovation teaching in the light of Bologna: workgroup and cross revisions to convert the student in protagonist of its learning process. Education in The Knowledge Society, 9(1).


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Author Biographies

Mª del Rosario González Martín

Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Facultad de Educación. Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Gonzalo Génova Fuster

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Escuela Politécnica Superior. Universidad Carlos