Distributed collaborative environments for learning objects repositories


This text focuses on the learning objects paradigm, a model that searches to facilitate a bigger access to digital educational resources and an economy in their production because of their reutilisation. Apart for proposing a framework for the understanding of this model, we offer an assessment of the different initiatives that have tried to bring this theoretical approach to a reality. Hence, we make an analyse of different pioneering experiences and we identify some clues that impede large public funded repositories to be fed with the collaborative work made in local repositories, that we define as close collaborative environment. We propose a research plan on collaboration models being to match more closely the needs of teachers.
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Ovelar, R., & Díaz San Millán, E. (2018). Distributed collaborative environments for learning objects repositories. Education in The Knowledge Society, 7(2). https://doi.org/10.14201/eks.19421

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Author Biography

Ramón Ovelar

Universidad del País Vasco
Campus Virtual de la UPV-EHUUniversidad del País Vasco – Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea.