Application of the information and communication technologies in the evaluation of university students
Abstract In this article the possibilities and limitations will be analyzed that has the use of the technologies of the information and of the communication in the evaluation of the learning of the students in the University. He leaves of the concept of educational evaluation, from the formative point of view and sumativo, and they make an appointment several experiences and computer tools to the use, in the international university context. It becomes special allusion to the tool Question Mark in their version web, Perception 3. The conclusions of this study are part of works of evalution research in technologies of the information and communication (ICT) applied to the education and the European Space of Superior Education (EEES) that at this time are developing inside the University Institute of Sciences of the Education (IUCE) of the University of Salamanca.
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Rodríguez Conde, M. J. (2008). Application of the information and communication technologies in the evaluation of university students. Education in The Knowledge Society, 6(2).
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