The digital literacy as factor of social inclusion. The experience of the 'Red Conecta'


The project Red Conecta, a network of centers of education digital that it is directed to the groups less favored, bases big breaks up of its work in the fact that it is part of a network that shares resources, training, methodology, coordination, technological instruments of support and systems of evaluation of results. This initiative is based in the collaboration with Non-governmental organization strongly deep-rooted to the territory that local projects already develop and in alliances with enterprises and public administrations to unify efforts and to imply to all the sectors of the society in the and-inclusion. At present it is formed by 41 centers divided up by all Spain. The dynamizators share common training in a process and there is a current of collective creation of knowledge that has effects on the activity with the people who take part in the centers: in the style of relationship, the strategies of motivation, the organization of the activities, or the instruments of support to the learning. Likewise, the coordination among all the centers implies a collective appointment of each of the parts to advance, joining efforts to look for resources, evaluating results with a same systematics and building a common speech, based in practice, which can affect the public policies and the society in general.
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Castro Borrallo, J. (2016). The digital literacy as factor of social inclusion. The experience of the ’Red Conecta’. Education in The Knowledge Society, 6(1).


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Author Biography

Josep Castro Borrallo

Esplai Fundation
Red Conecta Coordination. Esplai Fundation