Network learning communities: a collaborative learning project using a web based-design


The information and communication technologies offer an ideal setting in which new learning environments of knowledge building can be generated. The movement "Collaborative learning" is grounded on dialogical learning, according to this communicative conceptualisation learning is considered to depend mainly both on interaction between people and the joint construction of meanings. Designing learning environments under this premise demands to set interaction in the core of the learning process. In this paper we introduce a learning community using a web-based design project, a methodological framework for CSGBC (Computer-Supported Group-Based Learnig) has been used for this purpose. The guidelines of this pattern, proposed by Jochems, Martens and Strijbos (2004), make the interactive process to become the axis to start off the design of the rest of the elements through six simple steps.
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Lozano Díaz, A. (2016). Network learning communities: a collaborative learning project using a web based-design. Education in The Knowledge Society, 5(1).


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