The role of the tutor in an on-line course for in-service teachers


The communicational power of  the information technologies (ICT) are transforming the learning spaces where has been introduced. This introduction has adopted, mainly, two forms: on-line learning, and complement for the traditional class. The ICT allow, also, creating virtual environments under new and no traditional methodological frameworks, going from individual learning to colaborative learning, and from knowledge transmition to knowledge construction. In this environment tutor´s role is central in the success of the learning activities, now more centered on the colaborative and knowledge construction over the network. This article shows preliminary results from a research that intent to known and describe tutor´s pedagogical role animating asynchronous environments in a learning virtual space. The research has been done in the context of a distance course for teachers.
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Silva Quiroz, J. E. (2016). The role of the tutor in an on-line course for in-service teachers. Education in The Knowledge Society, 5(1).


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Author Biography

Juan Eusebio Silva Quiroz

University of Santiago de Chile
Comenius Center