Learning innovation: an on line experience


Nowadays, innovation is a keystone for personal and social development. Creativity is at the core of the innovation processes and it is considered as a strategic resource in the culture of 21st century. But innovation is a complex activity integrating multiples abilities, as divergent and convergent thinking, teams’ management, communication... that can be learned. Therefore, learning to innovate is a great challenge for the educational system. In this work an on-line course, based on MOODLE platform, for learning creative and innovative thinking is presented. The methodological design, an own model of the innovation process and the evaluation and results of the course, in two editions, are shown. Due to the full on line design of this course and the obtained results a great impact both at a personal level and at organizational level could be expected.
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Moreno Marchal, J. (2014). Learning innovation: an on line experience. Education in The Knowledge Society, 15(3), 96–119. https://doi.org/10.14201/eks.12220


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Author Biography

Joaquín Moreno Marchal

University of Cádiz
Dr. Ingeniero Industrial Prof. Titular de Tecnología Electrónica Departamento de Ingeniería en Automática, Electrónica, Arquitectura y Redes de Computadores