Exploring the educational potential of 3D virtual environments


3D virtual environments are advanced technology systems, with some potentialities in the teaching and learning process.In recent years, different institutions have promoted the acquisition of XXI century skills. Competences such as initiative, teamwork, creativity, flexibility or digital literacy.Multi-user virtual environments, sometimes called virtual worlds or 3D simulators, are immersive, interactive, customizable, accessible and programmable systems. This kind of environments allow to design educational complex activities to develop these key competences. For this purpose it’s necessary to set an appropriate teaching strategy to put this knowledge and skills into action, and design suitable mechanisms for registration and systematization. This paper analyzes the potential of these environments and presents two experiences in 3D virtual environments: (1) to develop teamwork and self-management skills, and (2) to assess digital literacy in preservice teachers.
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Esteve Mon, F. M., & Gisbert Cervera, M. (2013). Exploring the educational potential of 3D virtual environments. Education in The Knowledge Society, 14(3), 302–319. https://doi.org/10.14201/eks.11362


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