Strategic learning and information and communication technology: a critical review

  • Carles Monerero Font
    Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona Carles.Monereo[at]
  • Antoni Badia Garganté
    Universidad Oberta de Catalunya


This article presents an outline of a learning strategy redefinition, based on recent contributions from learning technologies. This new definition addresses the question of how technological affordances of the software, of the technological tools, or an educational environment, allow a learner or a group of learners develop a new ways to perform a strategic learning action. We review how different characteristics of learning strategy definition have been transformed because of introduction of ICT into education. Finally, the article points toward conceptual challenges and future research questions.
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Monerero Font, C., & Badia Garganté, A. (2013). Strategic learning and information and communication technology: a critical review. Education in The Knowledge Society, 14(2), 15–41.


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