Chatbot de IA para prevenir el abandono de la educación superior: una revisión de la literatura
Resumen Los avances en los sistemas de inteligencia artificial (IA) están dando lugar a nuevas herramientas en el ámbito educativo, como los chatbots, que pueden resultar muy útiles para evitar el abandono de la educación superior. Estos sistemas ofrecen un apoyo personalizado y cercano a los estudiantes, lo que puede mejorar su experiencia de aprendizaje y aumentar su satisfacción con el proceso educativo mejorando la permanencia. En este estudio se llevó a cabo una revisión sistemática de la literatura acerca de los chatbots educativos con el objetivo de examinar su potencial para reducir los factores que contribuyen al abandono escolar en la educación superior. Utilizando el marco de trabajo PRISMA y una serie de criterios previamente definidos, se seleccionaron 47 estudios sobre la aplicación de chatbots en la educación, a partir de una búsqueda inicial de 124 fuentes. Los hallazgos de la investigación permiten categorizar los distintos tipos de chatbots con relación a los factores críticos en el abandono de la educación superior. Además, se han identificado los desafíos que enfrentan estas herramientas y se han propuesto posibles soluciones para abordarlos. El trabajo presentado puede constituirse como una base inicial para la investigación de herramientas basadas en IA que buscan prevenir y reducir las tasas de abandono en la educación superior.
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Bhharathee, A., Vemuri, S., Bhavana, B., & Nishitha, K. (2023). AI-Powered Student Assistance Chatbot. 2023 International Conference on Intelligent Data Communication Technologies and Internet of Things (IDCIoT). 10.1109/idciot56793.2023.10053439
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Chen, Y., Jensen, S., Albert, L. J., Gupta, S., & Lee, T. (2022). Artificial Intelligence (AI) Student Assistants in the Classroom: Designing Chatbots to Support Student Success. Information Systems Frontiers, 25(1), 161-182. 10.1007/s10796-022-10291-4
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Baidoo-Anu, D., & Owusu Ansah, L. (2023). Education in the Era of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI): Understanding the Potential Benefits of ChatGPT in Promoting Teaching and Learning. SSRN Electronic Journal. 10.2139/ssrn.4337484
Baskara, F. R. (2023). Chatbots and Flipped Learning: Enhancing Student Engagement and Learning Outcomes through Personalised Support and Collaboration. IJORER : International Journal of Recent Educational Research, 4(2), 223-238. 10.46245/ijorer.v4i2.331
Benjelloun Touimi, Y., Hadioui, A., El Faddouli, N., & Bennani, S. (2020). Intelligent Chatbot-LDA Recommender System. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 15(20), 4-20. 10.3991/ijet.v15i20.15657
Bhharathee, A., Vemuri, S., Bhavana, B., & Nishitha, K. (2023). AI-Powered Student Assistance Chatbot. 2023 International Conference on Intelligent Data Communication Technologies and Internet of Things (IDCIoT). 10.1109/idciot56793.2023.10053439
Capuano, N., & Caballé, S. (2019). Multi-attribute Categorization of MOOC Forum Posts and Applications to Conversational Agents. In L. Barolli, P. Hellinckx, & Ju. Natwichai (Eds.), Advances on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing (3PGCIC-2019) (pp. 505-514). Springer. 10.1007/978-3-030-33509-0_47
Černý, M. (2023). Educational Psychology Aspects of Learning with Chatbots without Artificial Intelligence: Suggestions for Designers. European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education, 13(2), 284-305. 10.3390/ejihpe13020022
Chen, X., Cheng, G., Zou, D., Zhong, B., & Xie, H. (2023). Artificial Intelligent Robots for Precision Education: A Topic Modeling-Based Bibliometric Analysis. Educational Technology & Society, 26(1), 171-186. 10.30191/ETS.202301_26(1).0013
Chen, Y., Jensen, S., Albert, L. J., Gupta, S., & Lee, T. (2022). Artificial Intelligence (AI) Student Assistants in the Classroom: Designing Chatbots to Support Student Success. Information Systems Frontiers, 25(1), 161-182. 10.1007/s10796-022-10291-4
Chiu, T. K., Xia, Q., Zhou, X., Chai, C. S., & Cheng, M. (2023). Systematic literature review on opportunities, challenges, and future research recommendations of artificial intelligence in education. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 4, 100118. 10.1016/j.caeai.2022.100118
Crawford, J., Cowling, M., & Allen, K. A. (2023). Leadership is needed for ethical ChatGPT: Character, assessment, and learning using artificial intelligence (AI). Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, 20(3). 10.53761/
Deng, X., & Yu, Z. (2023). A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review of the Effect of Chatbot Technology Use in Sustainable Education. Sustainability, 15(4), 2940. 10.3390/su15042940
Dhandayuthapani V., D. B. (2022). A Proposed Cognitive Framework Model for a Student Support Chatbot in a Higher Education Institution. International Journal of Advanced Networking and Applications, 14(02), 5390-5395. 10.35444/ijana.2022.14210
Elnozahy, W. A., El Khayat, G. A., Cheniti-Belcadhi, L., & Said, B. (2019). Question Answering System to Support University Students’ Orientation, Recruitment and Retention. Procedia Computer Science, 164, 56-63. 10.1016/j.procs.2019.12.154
Essel, H. B., Vlachopoulos, D., Tachie-Menson, A., Johnson, E. E., & Baah, P. K. (2022). The impact of a virtual teaching assistant (chatbot) on students’ learning in Ghanaian higher education. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 19(1). 10.1186/s41239-022-00362-6
Flores-Vivar, J., & García-Peñalvo, F. (2023). Reflections on the ethics, potential, and challenges of artificial intelligence in the framework of quality education (SDG4). Comunicar, 74, 37-47. 10.3916/C74-2023-03
García-Peñalvo, F. J. (2022). Developing robust state-of-the-art reports: Systematic Literature Reviews. Education in the Knowledge Society, 23, e28600. 10.14201/eks.28600
Gbengaa, L.O., Oluwafuntob, O.T., & Oluwatobic, A.H. (2020). An Improved Rapid Response Model for University Admission Enquiry System Using Chatbot. International Journal of Computer (IJC), 38(1), 123-131
Glazier, R. A. (2016). Building rapport to improve retention and success in online classes. Journal of Political Science Education, 12(4), 437-456. 10.1080/15512169.2016.1155994
Guzmán, A., Barragán, S., Cala-Vitery, F., & Segovia-García, N. (2022). Deserción en la Educación Superior Rural: Análisis de Causas desde el Pensamiento Sistémico. Qualitative Research in Education, 11(2), 118-150. 10.17583/qre.10048
Han, J. W., Park, J., & Lee, H. (2022). Analysis of the effect of an artificial intelligence chatbot educational program on non-face-to-face classes: a quasi-experimental study. BMC Medical Education, 22(1), 830. 10.1186/s12909-022-03898-3
Hefny, W., Mansy, Y., Abdallah, M., & Abdennadher, S. (2021). Jooka: A Bilingual Chatbot for University Admission. In Á. Rocha, H. Adeli, G. Dzemyda, F. Moreira, & A. M. Ramalho Correia (Eds.). Trends and Applications in Information Systems and Technologies (Vol. 3) (pp. 671-681). Springer. 10.1007/978-3-030-72660-7_64
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