The Effectiveness of Distance Learning During Confinement by Covid-19 in Low Coverage Areas of the Empty Spain. The case of Salamanca


COVID-19 is the contraction of the name of the disease born in December 2019 in the Chinese city of Wuhan caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus and origin of the first global pandemic of the 21st century according to the WHO. The virulence and severity of this virus has had consequences in all areas and habits of the entire planet Earth. This paper presents the modifications that the Covid-19 has forced to carry out in the teaching of secondary education in a particularly sensitive area of the Autonomous Community of Castilla y León (the low signal and depopulated areas of south and west Salamanca). To find out how to accommodate the teaching in this geographic area at this level of education, a survey was conducted of 294 students enrolled in Compulsory Secondary Education aged 12-16 years. The survey was also passed to the 261 families of these students. The objective of the survey was to know with total transparency the possibility of student access to ICT in order to plan the non-face-to-face teaching period derived from the confinement established by the Central Government. The results of the survey advised modifying face-to-face teaching for teaching through the methodology of distance learning. Its timely start-up has allowed the development of an authentic and effective personalized and inclusive teaching that has enabled practically all the students in depopulated areas of the province of Salamanca to pass the 2019/2020 school year.
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