Assessment of the Training Received by Students of the Teacher’s Degree in Primary Education


The knowledge society and globalization in which the European Higher Education Area is framed requires that European universities have a unitary cultural sense. However, the knowledge of the students contributed by this study shows that there is no such cultural reality, so it is necessary to know the causes of this situation and its consequences. In this sense, the perception of two hundred and sixty-seven fourth-grade students of the Primary Education degree on the didactic training of their teachers, as well as the orientation the teachers receive and the level of commitment they have with the students, is addressed through a descriptive inferential study, with non-parametric tests. The descriptive study used means, medians and standard deviations; the inferential study was carried out by non-parametric tests: Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis H. The results indicate that there is good teaching preparation by teachers, although it is evident that this preparation is usually by methods and procedures that were used in the University prior to the ehea, considering students are not prepared in more appropriate methods for autonomous work, teamwork or knowledge generation, which means a greater role for teachers. Also, students believe that they do not receive guidance from their teachers and perceive a lack of commitment to training. There is a tendency to reduce professionalization to mere didactic knowledge and a personal commitment, linked more to an ideological vanguard than to the ethical reality that defines interpersonal relationships. Therefore, there is a sense in the form of an exclusively technological nature, linked to a neo-positivist perception which is not technical and guides the person exclusively to be competitive.
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Esparcia Jiménez, C., & Pérez Ferra, M. (2020). Assessment of the Training Received by Students of the Teacher’s Degree in Primary Education. Enseñanza & Teaching: Interuniversity Journal of Didactic, 38(1), 87–109.

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