Teachers’ perception on the formative use of mobile phone

  • María Luisa Sevillano García
    Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) mlsevillano[at]edu.uned.es
  • Cristina Maroto Del Olmo
    Profesora de Secundaria. Burgos
  • Carolina Pascual Moscoso
    Universidad de Oviedo


This study analyses the idea which Secondary School and Vocational Education teachers have of the educational use of smartphones in the classroom. Educational institutions must be aware of the especial influence of these gadgets in our current society and should strive to integrate and normalize these potential educational tools. The research has been raised by sending a questionnaire to teachers, getting a sample of 42 answers. We carried out an exploratory and descriptive study throughout the results obtained, applying a quantitative approach with univariate and bivariate statistical analysis in order to obtain the maximum information on the crossing of variables: The results show that the teachers have knowledge about some educational experiences using the mobile phone as well as show interest in learning how to carry out their educational integration in the classroom, being more flexible and receptive teachers the younger, who also show a higher level of ICT knowledge. Through this study we have tried to continue another one already started three years ago, therefore we have compared the current results with those obtained then, appreciating a positive evolution regarding the uses, attitudes and educational possibilities that teachers perceive on the mobile phone.
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Author Biography

María Luisa Sevillano García

Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED). Facultad de Educación. Despacho 215. C/ Juan del Rosal, 14. 28040 Madrid, España