Social inclusion and European adult education schools, research findings

  • Javier Fombona
    Univ. de Oviedo fombona[at]
  • Marta Soledad García
    Univ. de Oviedo
  • Beatriz Sierra
    Univ. Oviedo
  • Maria Angeles Pascual
    Univ. Oviedo
  • Susana Molina
    Univ. de Oviedo


Lifelong learning has become an emerging phenomenon that influences a large part of European education policies. This European project deals how the adult education promotes the employment and the social inclusion, especially for people in their multiple situations of vulnerability. This work is developed under the leadership of the University of Oviedo and it analyzes the action of several adult schools in Spain and Italy. The project brings together synergies internationally in order to improve the work of teachers of these schools, since this is where is located one of the main public access routes to the normalization of these people in society. Our main objective is to show these methodologies and the characteristics of these systems. We use a descriptive methodology from the perspective of the teacher training. The analysis of these centers was carried out through a questionnaire to quantify each component and the educational variables of these schools. The analysis highlights their characteristics, and the results detect their tasks, their methodologies, and a large unknown action. In essence, the activity focuses on offering, those over eighteen years old, the possibility of acquiring and developing skills aimed at facilitating employment and their active participation in social dynamics. The breadth and variety of its teachings makes these centers a representation of the diversity in our society. The project discovers how are the teachers, their academic profile, and the challenges to provide each student with the answer to his/her needs, with the aim of developing their capabilities to the fullest. 
  • Referencias
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Fombona, J., García, M. S., Sierra, B., Pascual, M. A., & Molina, S. (2019). Social inclusion and European adult education schools, research findings. Enseñanza & Teaching: Interuniversity Journal of Didactic, 37(1), 7–21.


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