Experience in competences program design at the Spanish National Police School


The police training has been uploaded to the train of the European Higher Education Framework through one of the training centres that has the General Directorate of the Police. The aim of this article is to show the recent experience in programming by competences in order to emphasize the importance that the didactic and organizational aspects have as a key element of professionalization, in an environment where teachers are mostly police professionals.Likewise, to save the always alleged disconnection between the educational environment and the reality of the street, this paper shows the results of surveys to police graduates and their respective employers about their satisfaction degree with training in the category of Inspector, whose training is tought in the aforementioned centre. In the surveys participate 1030 graduates and 1263 employers or managers, distributed in two phases in which the descriptive study is carried out (year 2011 and year 2015).The differentiating element of the two study phases is of having or not followed the Bologna Process in graduates’ formative courses for access/promotion to the category. Following Berk (2005) in García and others (2013), it has been shown that the graduates clearly remember the type of training received in their universities, because of that the analysis of their opinions can help us to specify training areas improvement needs in order to save the well-known distances between the academic and professional world. In addition, it can help us to encourage the educational community to continue in the effort that the new learning methodology requires.
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Author Biography

Ana María Martín Manjón

Universidad de Educación a Distancia
Doctoranda  de la Escuela Internacional de Doctorado de la UNED