Development of plurilingualism through the Electronic European Language Portfolio (eelp) at the Official Language School: a case study


ict have revolutionized the way we interact and inform, so that the multilingual and intercultural communication has become essential in the Information Society, an aspect that advocates the cefr (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). To this end, some European initiatives have been implemented in this regard with varying degrees of impact. This article presents the results of a research on the eelp (Electronic European Language Portfolio). The aim has been to analyze the development of multilingualism through this electronic document of the Council of Europe, as to attitudes and multilingual activities. The study was conducted for six months, from November 2015 to April 2016 in four groups of German students (levels A2.1, B1.1 and B1.2) at the Official School of Languages in Alicante, with a total of 109 students. A quantitative methodology was used with a pretest and posttest: students filled out a questionnaire of the 18 descriptors on multilingualism on the eelp before and after the implementation to find out the degree of achievement of goals. The data were analyzed globally and broken down by sex and age groups. According to the results, it can be concluded that the eelp has contributed to the development of multilingualism, especially in multilingual activities. However, it would take more time to implement attitudes towards linguistic and cultural variety, particularly among men and the age groups of less than 20 years and more than 50 years.
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Author Biography

Mario Jesús Mira-Giménez

EOI Alicante
Mario Jesús Mira Giménez (Alicante, 1977) es licenciado en Traducción e Interpretación (Inglés) (Universidad de Alicante), cursó el Máster en Estudios Europeos (Universidad de Leipzig) y es doctor en TIC aplicadas a la Enseñanza y Tratamiento de Lenguas (UNED). Ha realizado su tesis doctoral sobre el e-PEL (Portfolio Europeo de las Lenguas Electrónico). Desde 2004 trabaja como profesor de alemán en la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Alicante y desde 2013 es el coordinador TIC y del e-PEL de este centro. Ha impartido cursos de formación de profesorado sobre las TIC en el centro de formación de profesorado (CEFIRE) de Elda (Alicante). Participa en el proyecto COMALAT (Competence Oriented Multilingual Adaptive Language Assessment and Training System).