The teaching of profesional and academic English under European directives. The autonomous control of competencies’ acquisition

  • Pilar Durán Escribano
    Universidad Politécnica de Madrid pilar.duran[at]
  • Joana Pierce Mcmahon
    Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


After ten years of immersion in the European Higher Education convergence process, this article deals with the application of European directives to the teaching, learning and assessment of English for Academic and Professional Purposes (eapp) to different groups of engineering students at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (upm) enrolled in eapp subjects. It focuses on the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (cefr) and the European Language Portfolio (elp). Although these language-learning directives had been previously implemented in other contexts, with various results, their total adaptation to engineering education was pending. The paper starts by highlighting the coincidence in the principles underlying the European Credit Transfer System (ects), and the cefr and elp directives centred on the students’ work to attain certain competencies, and on their autonomous and reflective learning. Next, it discusses the research and innovation projects aimed at improving teaching practices and learning skills after the application of European directives to eapp subjects. The main projects dealt with the development and application of language competence descriptors tailored to the specific context. The paper concludes by showing the advantages of their implementation to the improvement of teaching objectives, programme design, teaching methodology and students’ evaluation, with respect to other procedures before the cefr, based on the results of a survey obtained from the teachers and students participating in the study. Although the complete use of the elp is not feasible, it may be considered as a useful instrument. Both the lists of adapted reference level competence descriptors and the Dossier have proven to be very valuable for the university students’ autonomous and reflective learning with the acquisition of competences in mind, and for their self-assessment abilities, according to the results obtained.
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Author Biographies

Pilar Durán Escribano

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Profesora Titular de UniversidadDpto Lingüística Aplicada a la ciencia y la tecnologíaUniversidad Politécnica de Madrid

Joana Pierce Mcmahon

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Departamento de Lingüística Aplicada a la ciencia y la tecnología