Geometry through Art in preschool education


In this paper we found that artistic expression as a teaching resource, namely the work of a painter next to students setting, allows meaningful and motivating learning of the contents of geometry in the infant stage, which also is acquired in a globalized way along to other areas of knowledge. To do this, we analyze the content of the curriculum of geometry in the infant stage, describe how children’s learning of geometry occurs and provided some general methodological lines to work it. Finally, we conduct an educational intervention in the area of geometry over a group of third year students from kindergarten using the paintings of Julio de Pablo as a resource. The main objectives of the proposal are presented in a fun and meaningful way through our author’s work contained the various geometric (topological aspects, projective and metric), encourage observation and exploration of the environment with geometric perspective and the development of creativity, memory, thinking and judgment. We initially evaluated geometric, artistic and reflective skills and acting ability, and following the intervention, we have re-evaluated to compare the data. The core of this paper is to describe the intervention, extract and analyze results. Of these we gather that the use of artistic expression, namely the paintings of a nearby student author, can present globalized, meaningful and motivating way the entire contents of geometry kindergarten with excellent use by students and a flexible and adaptable to their needs and interests so. Therefore we estimate that a proposal like that do is readily adaptable to other courses and groups of child Education and usable in broad outline by teachers. 
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Author Biographies

Álvaro Antón Sancho

Universidad de Valladolid
Profesor de Matemáticas. Escuela Universitaria de Magisterio «Fray Luis de León»

Manuela Gómez Alonso

Maestra de Educación Infantil. ceip «Jesús del Monte». Hazas de Cesto, Cantabria