Employability and occupation of graduates of the master teacher training in compulsory secondary education and training bachelor

  • María Ángeles Pascual Sevillano
    Universidad de Oviedo apascual[at]uniovi.es
  • Sergio Díaz Menéndez
    Universidad de Oviedo
  • Celestino Rodríguez Pérez
    Universidad de Oviedo


We present here the results of a study developed in the University of Oviedo to know the employability and the working improvement which are enjoying the postgraduates from the professional Master’s Degree in Secondary, Languages and Vocational Training Teaching. The aim of this research is to study the tendencies related to the occupation, revenue and the time that they need to find their place in the labour market. Moreover, we would like to find out up to which extent the qualification received and the implementation of the competences acquired meet their needs in their position.This type of study of postgraduates has been implemented at a university level in order to introduce elements of quality in assessment systems, and this is how it is conceived in the audit Programme by the National Agency for the Assessment of Quality and Accreditation (aneca) for the Spanish state. For our study a cohort of four generations of postgraduates has been considered from the master’s degree in Secondary Teaching. The methodology consisted on descriptive and transversal quantitative work. The population which has constituted the object of our study comprehended 682 postgraduates. For this purpose, a structured survey has been used, designed ad hoc with 13 items (EnEgMfp). In the case of the University of Oviedo (uo) the procedure pd-sgic-uo-1.2.4.vo7 has been authorised. The most relevant conclusions are certainly hopeful, albeit negatively influenced by the economic crisis, since 52% of the surveyed postgraduates assert to have found a post, although just half of them in the field they have qualified for with the master’s degree. Half of these posts are temporary.
  • Referencias
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