Service-learning and learning communities: two innovative school projects that are mutually enriched


This article reflects on the interrelationships that exist between two educational projects of today: service-learning (ApS) and learning communities (CdA). The ApS is an educational methodology applied worldwide where a single project combines a learning based on experience with the implementation of a service to the community. CdA is a school transformation project to achieve that the information society does not exclude any person, constituting a reality in more than one hundred and ninety schools in Spain and Latin America. Between the two, it is possible to show differences, especially in what refers to its theoretical substrates, but in actual teaching practice in schools there is some harmony, particularly in the so closely that they cultivate both projects with the school community. Therefore, we conclude that service-learning and learning communities can occur as two innovative and relevant today projects which can be mutually enriching: because for both the approach school-community-environment and volunteering is essential.
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Author Biographies

Carmen Álvarez Álvarez

Universidad de Cantabria
Universidad de Cantabria. Av los Castros, 39005 Santander, Cantabria (España)

Gonzalo Silió Sáiz

CEIP Verdemar. ApS
CEIP Verdemar. ApS, La Lanilla, 102, Santander, España.