Analysis of the writing processes in deaf and hearing students from Spain and Italy

  • Rafaela Gutiérrez Cáceres
    Universidad de Almería rcaceres[at]
  • Antonio Luque De La Rosa
    Universidad de Almería


In this paper we present some of the most relevant results from research that focused on the analysis of cognitive and metacognitive processes involved in written composition by the deaf and hearing students from two school contexts (Spain and Italy). Research participants were 84 students: 72 hearing and 12 deaf; 44 from Spanish context and 40 from Italy. The data collection process consisted of the application of an adapted questionnaire on self-evaluation of the processes in writing. Regarding the procedure of analysis has been carried out a comparison and confrontation of cognitive skills of students in terms of status «deaf/hearing» and school context. Generally found that deaf and hearing students integrated in schools from Spain and Italy saying that perform the processes related to planning, transcription, review and metacognition needed to develop the quality of written texts. However, it should be noted that there are some significant aspects given the variety in the answers to each item and diversity among students. In the lack of this type of research is required continue to undertake studies focusing on the analysis of the cognitive components of writing in deaf students, depending on individual and contextual characteristics.
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Author Biographies

Rafaela Gutiérrez Cáceres

Universidad de Almería
Depto. Didáctica y Organización Escolar. Universidad de Almería. La Cañada de San Urbano (04120) – Almería (España).

Antonio Luque De La Rosa

Universidad de Almería
Departamento de Educación. Facultad de Educación, Fisioterapia y Enfermería. Universidad de Almería. Despacho 210. Edificio A de Humanidades. La Cañada de San Urbano (04120) – Almería (España).