Students’ perceptions of the Master in Secondary Teacher Education: Strengths and weaknesses of the new training model


This paper is the result of a research process developed to know which the students’ perceptions about the program of Secondary Teachers Training are, during the academic course 2011/2012, when it has already been developed for three years. For that, we have reached some information from 227 students who have completed an anonymous open questionnaire. It has been used an evaluative methodology which is typical of qualitative paradigm. The information has been analyzed by AQUAD 6 software program (Huber, 2006), which has allowed the classification of the different codes in nine categories that help us to organize the information and reach some conclusions. These dimensions are: assessment time and teachers, teachers’ development through training, training difficulties, benefits of training, concept of education, interest in teaching, expectations of professional development, basic principles of educational work and suggestions for improvement. Results, therefore, are useful for doing several reformulations in curriculum and for enhance strengths of curriculum, identified by the students.
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Hernández Amorós, M. J., & Carrasco Embuena, V. (2013). Students’ perceptions of the Master in Secondary Teacher Education: Strengths and weaknesses of the new training model. Enseñanza & Teaching: Interuniversity Journal of Didactic, 30(2), 127–152. Retrieved from


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Author Biographies

M.ª José Hernández Amorós

Universidad de Alicante
Universidad de Alicante. Facultad Educación. Dpto. Didáctica General y Didácticas Especificas. Ap. de Correos, 99 – 03080 – Alicante (España)

Vicente Carrasco Embuena

Universidad de Alicante
Universidad de Alicante. Facultad Educación. Dpto. Didáctica General y Didácticas Especificas. Ap. de Correos, 99 – 03080 – Alicante (España)