Values, antivalues and feelings transmitted by the media and its reflexive perception


This research deals with the perception of values, antivalues and feelings incarnated and manifested in images, words and sounds self introduced or mediated. If in the past media and their messages have been studied, the current concern of the majority would be to investigate what happens inside the individual, how he or she reacts, what are his /her feelings. There is no doubt that the reflection about values an own feelings that listening, looking or reading news create, is a very attractive and prommising field. But as the ethical principles which media should serve can vary and even contradict each other, the modern teacher schould be aware of it in order not to assing roles and functions that do not fit whit the media. However it is always his/her concern from his/her educative function to anlyze and penetrate into the messages that circulate in society through the omnipresent mass media. Tis study stands out with level and scientific rigueur what is generally and commonly known. All the calls made by Government, authorities, institutions, and people for a better quality'vs media where it would not be be propagation or apology of antivalues such as paradigms of behavior, should make the responsible of media think over to study and deeply change according to the new funktions in a new society where philosophy and medias programming.
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Bartolomé Crespo, D. (2009). Values, antivalues and feelings transmitted by the media and its reflexive perception. Enseñanza & Teaching: Interuniversity Journal of Didactic, 15. Retrieved from

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Donaciano Bartolomé Crespo
