Minecraft in the Learning of Social Skills for People with Autism Spectrum Disorders


Video games today, represent the form of entertainment of today’s society. From this general interest to develop new therapies and new approaches that make the most of our capabilities, however different they are the basis of this research. This article presents a scientific description and analyzes the improvement of social skills presented by a group of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder thanks to the creation of a club based on the video game Minecraft. The participants were 26 users and relatives, aged between 8 and 20 years. We use a quasi-experimental design with qualitative methodology. The development has been based on three dimensions and indicators with different instruments. In order to analyze the objectives of the dimensions we applied the Wilcoxon test to the tests presented to the club members, analysis of the interactions and discussion group of the professionals who participated in the study, in addition to the analysis of the Evaluation Questionnaire on the Club Minecraft (cecm) with the participation of families. We conclude that the users show a motivation for the video game that favors the learning of new skills, in addition to being fun, so, it is demonstrated that the use of Minecraft presents a therapeutic efficacy for learning social skills in people with asd.
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Villén De Arribas, M. (2020). Minecraft in the Learning of Social Skills for People with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Enseñanza & Teaching: Interuniversity Journal of Didactic, 38(1), 7–28. https://doi.org/10.14201/et2020381728


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