Initial Professional Qualification Programmes and attention to diversity in Castilla-La Mancha


The aim of this article is to think critically about Initial Vocational Qualification Programs (ivqp) looking at their origin, establishment and development in depth by means of an analysis of one of the measures of attention to diversity proposed under the Organic Law of Education as a result of high dropout numbers in Spain and as an alternative to high dropout figures from Compulsory Secondary Education. In developing this article, an exhaustive documentary, bibliographic, statistical and legislative review was made within a social-cultural context. According to the data obtained from a detailed analysis performed by the Regional Community of Castilla-La Mancha, the research approaches an transferrable regional reality that allows the appropriate conclusions to be seen and established as regards the effectiveness of the measure used to curtail dropout among students, who find many difficulties in remaining within the educational system. The methodology is based on an eclectic model, deriving from a positive, interpretative and socio-critical approach. On one hand, this research shows that ipqp may be an interesting alternative for students with many difficulties, doomed to failure along this route, for them to be able to complete Compulsory Secondary Education, as well as the need to unite efforts and generate inclusive educational and flexible measures for attending to diversity aimed at an equality-based and quality-based education. In conclusion, according to the high number of students who return to the educational system and obtain the Compulsory Secondary Education Certificate the results are encouraging.
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Palomares Ruiz, A., & López Sánchez, S. (2014). Initial Professional Qualification Programmes and attention to diversity in Castilla-La Mancha. Enseñanza & Teaching: Interuniversity Journal of Didactic, 31(2), 23–44. Retrieved from


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Author Biographies

Ascensión Palomares Ruiz

Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Catedrática de EU de Didáctica y Organización Escolar. Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (España)

Sagrario López Sánchez

IES El Greco
Paseo de San Eugenio, 23, 45003 Toledo (España)