Curriculum History in Spain: the dual rurality of a subfield still under construction

  • Jesús Romero Morante
    Universidad de Cantabria
  • Marta Estellés Frade
    Universidad de Cantabria


The historiography of curriculum and school subjects does not have a long tradition in Spain. Even today it is still a comparatively marginal focus of interest within the academic tribe of Spanish education historians, to the point that some of its most substantial fruits have been harvested outside that field. However, it is not the purpose of this article to carry out a usual review of the state of the art. Instead, a critical dissection of the implicit presuppositions and understandings about the nature and dynamics of the curriculum which underlie the research undertaken in this country in recent decades will be attempted.
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Romero Morante, J., & Estellés Frade, M. (2022). Curriculum History in Spain: the dual rurality of a subfield still under construction. Historia De La Educación, 40(1), 81–102.


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