The pedagogical press in comparative perspective: potentialities, achievements and historiographic challenges

  • Natalia García
    Universidad Nacikonal de Rosario (Argentina)


This article discusses the field of the pedagogical press by comparing the state of the issue in Argentina and in Latin American and European countries. The introductory lines provide a brief description of the project that motivates this work and a characterization of the unique hemerographic archive that preserves the materials under study. The following sections examine the productions where this line of inquiry is consolidated (Spain, Brazil and Portugal), or making its way (Mexico, Italy, Colombia, Ecuador and some regions of Africa), pointing out what is included in this press and what distinguishes it; which perspectives single out the area in question, and where their academic achievements and challenges lie. Given the above, the last section. focused on Argentina, part of the assumption that the pedagogical press, as a field of autonomous study, is «unexplored». However, a tradition and research practices have been identified that complement the historiographic scenario.
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García, N. (2022). The pedagogical press in comparative perspective: potentialities, achievements and historiographic challenges. Historia De La Educación, 40(1), 369–392.


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