Contemporary policies for Brazilian high school education: between disciplinary traditions and the new management

  • André Vitor Fernandes dos Santos
    Universidade de Uberlandia


This text addresses contemporary curricular policies as discursive surfaces that trace statements resulting from the articulation between different discursive formations, or that allow us to glimpse constitutive aspects of the process of meaning in the field of education. In this case, we are especially interested in producing a reflection on the Curriculum History field that can help us to understand the process of elaboration of the curricular policy and the relationship between stability and change when it comes to thinking or what is (or is not) in the Curriculum different historical moments. The argument is built with the focus on contemporary curricular policies produced in the period that occurs or the process of re-democratization of Brazil, more specifically in the second goal of the 1990s, not final two years 2000 and no period between 2014 and 2018. These are moments In that we can notice the proliferation of policies that aim to attribute certain meanings to the average level, that Brazil has not been to two policymakers since the 1930s. Or that it should be highlighted as the discursive strategies of disciplinary communities They are articulated to continue the construction project of a system that historically guarantees the status, resources and territory of school disciplines. In this way, notions such as competencies, skills, directives and expectations of learning, and the levels of proficiency of appraisals on a large scale, are placed in dialogue with concepts linked to school disciplines, in a movement that or that is basically in dispute or place that these ideas occupy no school curriculum. In this way, we place attention on discursive strategies that allow some statements to be updated in accordance with ongoing discursive practices, allowing their reappearance and promoting the incorporation of guidelines identified as ideas of neoliberalism, including, for example, management.
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