A brief story of mathematics education

  • Melissa Andrade-Molina
    Instituto de Matemáticas. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso


This manuscript presents a different way to look at history: rethinking history not as a lineal-chronological movement, but as flexible and rhizomatic, as a multidimensional network of entangled events. In doing so, it takes elements from the toolboxes of Michel Foucault and of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. It begins by thinking about the possible origins of mathematics education, in seeking for traces of its teaching and learning. Entry points of the rhizomatic network are located in Grecce, Mesopotamia, Prussia, even in Chile. Within this movement, diverse lines of flight that introduced some turns to the discipline are placed. The manuscript continues by recounting some episodes which elevated mathematics education to the category of a scientific field of inquiry and which positioned mathematics as a key element in educating the masses. This writing presents a brief glimpse to the rhizome that unfolds in historicizing mathematics education.
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Andrade-Molina, M. (2022). A brief story of mathematics education. Historia De La Educación, 40(1), 139–156. https://doi.org/10.14201/hedu202140139156


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