Teacher knowledge in times of curricular change. The case of the Portuguese Telescola (1965-1967)

  • Mária Cristina Almeida
    Unidade de Investigação Educação e Desenvolvimento. Universidade Nova de Lisboa
  • José Manuel Matos
    Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Universidade Nova de Lisboa


This article seeks to understand the ways in which the communication of mathematical ideas was carried out in the implementation of Telescola in Portugal during the years 1965/66 and 1966/67 which, in addition to the educational use of television, also incorporates the curricular innovation of Modern Mathematics. This article investigates the mathematical knowledge expressed in documentation associated with the initial two academic years of Telescola in Portugal (1965/66 and 1966/67). We will try to identify not only the common knowledge of the mathematical content, but especially its specialized knowledge. We will also seek to determine how this knowledge evolved as a result of the introduction of modern mathematics. The study is based on a content analysis of the scripts published in the IMAVE Bulletin, complemented with interviews with the teacher responsiblefor the televised classes.
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Almeida, M. C., & Matos, J. M. (2021). Teacher knowledge in times of curricular change. The case of the Portuguese Telescola (1965-1967). Historia De La Educación, 39(1), 91–110. https://doi.org/10.14201/hedu20203991110


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