Adult schools in the early twentieth century: legislation, curriculum and justification. Particular case of its scope in the province of Orense

  • Rosa María Cid Galante
    Universidad de Vigo


The educational politics of beginnings of 20th century in Spain concerned for eradicating the problems of the illiteracy and extend the education to the population. The schools of adults and adults were a necessary solution for which did not attend to the primary school. For the women was a big opportunity since had a scarce training. Now well, they could the schools of adults allow them the way to the emancipation? To know it reviews the legislation, the curriculum and analyze the opinions of the period on the need of his implantation to deduce if the schools of adults supposed an opportunity to change the status of the women or, simply, involved the permanence of his social condition.
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Cid Galante, R. M. (2021). Adult schools in the early twentieth century: legislation, curriculum and justification. Particular case of its scope in the province of Orense. Historia De La Educación, 39(1), 373–405.


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