School musical education in Portugal: the subject of Choral Singing in the First Republic (1910-1926)

  • Elias Souza Dos Santos
    Universidade Tiradente
  • Margarida Louro Felgueiras
    Universidade do Porto
  • Cristiano Ferronato
    Universidade Tiradentes


This research has the aim of analyzing the way of which the subject of Choral Singing was configured on the curriculum of the Portuguese school, during the First Republic. It is a bibliographic research endorsed on the theoretical premise of Scholar Culture. It was through the Decree No. 4650, of 14 July 1918, that the subject of Choral Singing started to be a part of the Lyceum. The goal was to contribute to the education of the voice, the aesthetic feeling and, mainly, the development of nationalism. The same Decree that originated the subject of Choral Singing also established the creation of an Orfeão in the educational institutes. The Orfeões became ways of diffusion of republican ideas. Its purpose was not to attribute an educative role to the subject of Choral Singing on the shaping of the mentees, but to spread the ideology of the current government.
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Souza Dos Santos, E., Louro Felgueiras, M., & Ferronato, C. (2021). School musical education in Portugal: the subject of Choral Singing in the First Republic (1910-1926). Historia De La Educación, 39(1), 357–372.


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