Milani’s pedagogy in Spain and Latin America

  • José Luis Corzo Toral
    Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca


A survey is conducted here on pedagogy –rather than didactics– as practised in Barbiana School. Lettera a una professoressa (1967) has been translated into more than 60 languages, the finest English versions in Penguin and Random House: Letter To A Teacher. Two are the main insights of the Letter: compulsory school should make up for the lacks of the deprived, those bereft of the word thatsets us equal. As for now, school harms the winners, for they won’t look into the better parts of humankind. Such a radical criticism scares away those promoting the competitive, liberal school. Many academics ignore Barbiana to reject it, or just come to read in the School a remedy for dropouts or schoolling failure. A list of university lecturers and professors, printing houses and journals is provided collecting those inspired by Barbiana and setting Lorenzo Milani on top of the contemporary pedagogy scene. Luckily enough, those grassroots schools moved by the Letter are in larger numbers.
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Corzo Toral, J. L. (2021). Milani’s pedagogy in Spain and Latin America. Historia De La Educación, 39(1), 337–356.


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