Aditive and sustractive problems in Rubio notebooks (Spain)

  • Dolores Carrillo Gallego
    Universidad de Murcia
  • José Francisco Castejón Mochón
    Universidad de Murcia
  • Pilar Olivares Carrillo
    Universidad de Murcia


Rubio arithmetic notebooks have been widely used in Spain for learning basic arithmetic operations since their appearance in 1959. In this work, six periods have been identified in the editions of these notebooks and the problems of adding and subtracting that they propose are studied. To this end, the categories formulated by G. Vergnaud for the conceptual field of additive structures are used. Problem notebooks from the 1978 edition (epoch 2) are analysed, both verbal and graphical problems, noting that they are of the first three types, among the six formulated by Vergnaud. The evolution of these notebooks is studied up to current marketed editions: there is continuity in the problems proposed and the changes, apart from those modified to adapt to euro currency, affect the design, not the content.
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Carrillo Gallego, D., Castejón Mochón, J. F., & Olivares Carrillo, P. (2021). Aditive and sustractive problems in Rubio notebooks (Spain). Historia De La Educación, 39(1), 111–136.


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