Cátedras Ambulantes «Francisco Franco» in Castilla y León. A recreation of cultural missions by and for women


The study of regional history of education becomes essential in a globalized context in which the amount of the particular knowledge provides a comparative framework. In this article, we provide an analysis of the actions taken by the Cátedras Ambulantes on a regional reality in the Castile and Leon provinces. In this sense, a few works show a regional approach although most of them do the national context. Our research interest opted for it by the use of the historical-pedagogical method in combination with the socio-historical approach. From both, we get a document that shows the preponderance of this territory in the national level, through their essential contributions in the Initiative.
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García Redondo, E. (2017). Cátedras Ambulantes «Francisco Franco» in Castilla y León. A recreation of cultural missions by and for women. Historia De La Educación, 36, 343–364. https://doi.org/10.14201/hedu201736343364


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Author Biography

Eva García Redondo

Universidad de Salamanca
Universidad de Salamanca, España.