Miguel Cordero del Campillo. Chronicler and Historian of Education


Miguel Cordero del Campillo is Professor Emeritus of Parasitology, former president and the official chronicler of his alma mater the University of Leon (Spain). In this in-depth interview, Professor Cordero explains both the philosophy behind his academic work in history of education and the specific methodology that he has developed. He had the opportunity to be the protagonist of the recent history of education in his hometown, starring some of the most exciting episodes of the creation and consolidation of legionense university. This interview, unedited, remained the March 9, 2015 at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine provides different motivations, reflections and thoughts of Professor Cordero del Campillo.
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Poy Castro, R. (2016). Miguel Cordero del Campillo. Chronicler and Historian of Education. Historia De La Educación, 35, 419–435. https://doi.org/10.14201/hedu201635419435


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Author Biography

Raquel Poy Castro

Universidad de León
Facultad de Educación. Universidad de León. España.