Analysis of the documentary series for the study of the history of education in the historical files of seminars: the example of the file of the seminar San Atón of Badajoz

  • Agustín Vivas Moreno
    Universidad de Extremadura avivas[at]
  • Francisco González Lozano
    Seminario Metropolitano San Atón de Badajoz
  • Guadalupe Pérez Ortiz
    Seminario Metropolitano San Atón de Badajoz


The educational character of the Metropolitan Seminary San Atón of Badajoz has generated, over three hundred and fifty years of history, written testimonies from consultation necessary for the educational history. The file of the Metropolitan Seminary San Atón custody documentation still unknown for the development of future work on education.The educational character of the institution has generated written testimonies of required consultation for the history. The researcher who studied education and pedagogy from the 17th to 20th centuries will find a lot of documentation in our file since Badajoz Seminar took over part of its history to host the first center of teaching secondary Badajoz and the first university of Extremadura, therefore its contents archive contains vital for the study of Extremadura education.
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Vivas Moreno, A., González Lozano, F., & Pérez Ortiz, G. (2016). Analysis of the documentary series for the study of the history of education in the historical files of seminars: the example of the file of the seminar San Atón of Badajoz. Historia De La Educación, 35, 363–392.


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Author Biographies

Agustín Vivas Moreno

Universidad de Extremadura
Facultad de Documentación y Comunicación. Universidad de Extremadura. España.

Francisco González Lozano

Seminario Metropolitano San Atón de Badajoz
Seminario Metropolitano San Atón de Badajoz. Extremadura, España.

Guadalupe Pérez Ortiz

Seminario Metropolitano San Atón de Badajoz
Seminario Metropolitano San Atón de Badajoz. Extremadura, España.