Neither ancient nor modern. Education and politics in times of José I in Spain (1808-1813)


This paper analyzes the educational proposals and reforms that were carried out during the interregnum of José I in Spain. It is believed that the crisis of the Spanish monarchy led intellectuals to an approach that tended to think of education and politics as two constituent parts of the complex revolutionary field on which the state education system should be developed. In that respect, the educational policy of «Intruder king» tended to modernize education so as to turn it into a social control device. However, traditional Spanish tendencies, very present even in the nineteenth century, turned this into a difficult task, since educational proposals moved between ancient and modern tendencies without being able to consolidate a state education system.
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Perrupato, S. (2016). Neither ancient nor modern. Education and politics in times of José I in Spain (1808-1813). Historia De La Educación, 35, 147–166.


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Author Biography

Sebastián Perrupato

Universidad Nacional Mar del Plata
Universidad Nacional Mar del Plata, Argentina