The science of education in Lyon: Initiative between state and local history teaching, the registry of scientific positivity on a spiritualist tradition (1884-1945)

  • Frédéric Mole
    Université Jean Monnet de Saint-Étienne. fr.mole[at]
  • André Robert
    Université de Lyon 2
  • Jacqueline Gautherin
    Université de Lyon 2


The paper aims to articulate the political and administrative cadre who chairs the university system of science education in the city of Lyon, and the performance of the leading intellectuals actors involved in its construction: Thamin, Chabot, Bourjade. We analyze here the conditions of the continuing education of science education in Lyon after 1920, while it disappeared in most of French universities. Why science education, Lyon, it not affected by the disenchantment of the political project that, in times of reform Ferry, had chaired its institutionalization? The paths of these three professors, its roots in an explicit spiritualism, his interest in child psychology, the depoliticization of his views have led them to develop intellectual and institutional strategies to promote a favorable pedagogical culture capable of responding to both the university theoretical requirements, and worry anchored in professional fields.
  • Referencias
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  • Del mismo autor
  • Métricas
Avanzini, Guy: «La recherche sur l’éducation à Lyon», in Avanzini, Guy (dir.): Éducation et pédagogie à Lyon, de l’Antiquité à nos jours, Lyon, clerse, 1989, pp. 375-384.

Gautherin, J.: Une discipline pour la République, La science de l’éducation en France (1882-1914), Berne, Peter Lang, 2002.

Mole, F.: L’école laïque pour une république sociale. Controverses pédagogiques et politiques, Rennes, pur, 2010.

Robert, A.-D. et Mole, F. (éds.): Les sciences de l’éducation à Lyon, l’ispef, 60 ans d’histoire et plus…, brochure, Lyon, ispef, 2006, 32 pp.

Robert, A.-D.; Mole, F. et Poizat, D. (éds.): l’ispef, 70 ans d’histoire, brochure, Lyon, ispef, 2015, 50 pp.
Mole, F., Robert, A., & Gautherin, J. (2015). The science of education in Lyon: Initiative between state and local history teaching, the registry of scientific positivity on a spiritualist tradition (1884-1945). Historia De La Educación, 34, 245–262.


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Author Biographies

Frédéric Mole

Université Jean Monnet de Saint-Étienne.
Université Jean Monnet de Saint-Étienne. Faculté des Sciences humaines et sociales- Département Sciences de l’éducation. 34, rue Francis Baulier. 42023 St-Étienne Cedex 2

André Robert

Université de Lyon 2
Université de Lyon 2. Institut des sciences et pratiques d’éducation et de formation (ispef).86, rue Pasteur. 69365 Lyon Cedex