The Burgos edition (1588) of «Christiani pueri institutio adolescentiaque perfugium», key work of the Jesuitical Humanism


The present article analyzes a very important work of the Spanish Humanism of the XVI century: the «Christiani pueri institutio adolescentiaeque perfugium». Its author is Juan Bonifacio S.I. It was published in Salamanca in 1576. The book has not still been translated to Spanish language. It is the first European book published in China in 1588. Its ideas are a faithful reflection of the humanist ideals of the Golden Spanish Century and of the humanism of Jesus’ Company. Its analysis comprises four parts: origins of the work, thematic, sources and projection.
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Vergara, J. (2013). The Burgos edition (1588) of «Christiani pueri institutio adolescentiaque perfugium», key work of the Jesuitical Humanism. Historia De La Educación, 31, 81–103. Retrieved from

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Author Biography

Javier Vergara

Juan del Rosal, 14, UNED. Facultad de Educación. Madrid 28040 (España)